Monday, 31 October 2011

War is natural?

An Act of War is a phrase coined to describe an action authorised by a government to instruct its army to commence military action against an opposing enemy state. War has always been viewed as the last resort if reconcilliation or compromise between two opposing principles cannot be found. Yet is war not just a natural occurrence, is it not just a natural progression, a process of global auto-regulation that we believe to be evolution, is it not just a cause to bring about a systematic effect that is called for by mother earth herself. Are we not merely vessels through whom mother nature exerts her full force and power through, are we not subject to natures whim and here to but fufill the wishes of her controlling an innate ecosystem, are we humans merely the manifestation of nature exercising Darwin's Natural Selection (survival of the fittest)? With War being the tool with which to judge who should survive. We are all subject to independent will, have freedom of choice and possess reason and logic to help us navigate the close proximities of our personal solitary lives. But collectively in such instances as War we feel we are part of a larger mechanism at work, a cog in the wheel of a grand Modus operandi that is not only beyond our control but also beyond our comprehension and is predetermined by Nature in all its brutal glory.

Humans are intrinsically selfish, every act, thought, plan and preperation are all engaged in for their own pursuit of happiness. Many people work in jobs that they do not enjoy for monetary compensation so they can buy products which they believe will bring them a form of transient happiness. A Mother rush's to help her child, who is in peril or is in life threatening danger, yet is that anxiety and panic that so fuels her immediate actions primarily to avoid any future torment she will endure if the child is injured or possibly killed? Is it not impossible that all benevolent exploits are initiated by the individual for personal gain. Yes they may help their fellow man, but the trade off for these altruistic efforts are numerous. Any act of unconditional kindness brings forth a sense of contentment to the individual, perhaps it eases a sense of guilt that they may have due to their more fortunate position in life. A sense of guilt that was hindering and diminishing their personal happiness quota, a quota that must always be kept at an optimum rate. If religious they may believe that they are bound to the glories of heaven up high for eternal joy upon their demise for continuing their noble efforts. They may believe that they will recieve good karma in return for their good deed. They may feel that charitable work elevates their status in society. Their are many reasons for benevolent acts, and they are all chiefly performed in the pursuit of the bestowers happiness.

War is the result of composite selfishness. As all our motives stem from an innate egotistical instinct to please ourselves. War is propelled by the collective will of a selfish society that wishes to protect their well being. Happiness is a subjective emotion within an individual status, however the contrast of this emotion diverges to more extreme levels when generalised. The more affluent the country, the less they value their sense of well being collectively. The reason for this, is that affluence leads to more choice, more choice is supposed to make life easier for the individual, yet an abundance of choice breeds indecision and apprehension over which and what not too choose, this leads to less satisfaction from the choices that are chosen due to the individuals then speculating afterwards on the possible merits of the choices they rejected. This concludes with the individual then craving more choice due to an ever growing and spiralling dissatisfaction with their options in life. The more opulent the society, the more it lacks empathy as if they do not appreciate what they have, how can they fully appreciate the plight of those more missfortunate and with less choice in other countries. So it is the countries with the stronger economies that are always at the forefront of wars usually exploiting the weaker countries as they not only lack an affinity for their poorer contemporaries, they also require to gratify their ever growing desire for more choice, choice which can only be acquired through the exploitation and theft from the weak.

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